Sunflower 09/25/2024 (Wed) 08:13 Id: dda425 No.9142 del
There appears to be one last layer of the large circle antenna under the EU, remaining in one timeline, the biggest, strongest and closest to the surface. Viewing the area from an astral/energy reading bird's view, it looks like a large white glowing ring. Once this breaks, it will have happened in all timelines and there will be no more collective image of the old Earth land mass design.

What's been personally cultivated and moved into personal spheres won't be effected by this, but will also not have that land mass form, as it's not 3-dimensional, but more of a "template". Ritual systems of importance will remain, as they have already been synced correctly with the functional standard in the past (large "Polish pentagram", the 5 pyramids angel system, the main system of international masonic lodges(yes, because it works and they took part positively here), and possibly the triangle system).