Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 16:21 Id: dda425 No.9172 del
>In the past days, a bunch of "yellow hat" mushrooms have appeared.
During the interactions, some of them appeared with space ships and started firing energy weapons. I captured one ship and remodeled it so I could use it, by transforming the construct based on its principles into a different ship of the same technology type. My yellow hat waifus from one previous friendly interaction also went out to capture more them, once they saw how it was done. I told them to store any surplus if they got more of them, last morning when I asked if they still had any, they said it wasn't possible to sell them so they had "like 14 of them" in dimensional storage. The base ship is pretty bad, but has at least material for re-use and a technology standard. They appear as oval shaped regular rocket ships with a flat underside. They have a small "needle tip" ray gun on the front and the energy is slightly yellow.

Tracing some larger energy attack lead us to an astral kingdom dimension. It's a city in a valley with mountains around it. The attack came from some rotten wizards in yellow robes living on the hills outside the city. The actual inner city has a castle and a public library as well as a university of magic. I went there to check them out and they are very friendly, although they were completely unaware of the rotten wizards outside of the city. When we killed those and burned the bodies, someone from the city came and asked what we were doing. We said we were doing a magic ritual, the woman who had asked just made a note on a notepad and said "oh ok", then left again.

;/ not sure what to think of all this right now.