Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:50 Id: dda425 No.9307 del
So between first posting these vids, and posting again, my view of them changed. First time it was the male gaze, seeing a woman and there is a certain feeling of "warmth".
The new look doesn't see that. She's now "empty", a predator who feels nothing, but the mystery is greater. I see something grand. I can see the message in the second vid strongly, where it was only implied from the previous view. I don't know if I can switch back to seeing it from a "confused" perspective again, probably not, but I can probably "instrumentally" see the view, understand that it's there, if I was to look at something similar later.

The change is also a huge relief to me. I know now that I had to be male to "catch" this elusive experience from a first person view, but that doesn't mean I essentially hate it. I remember clearly now, in my past lives, I loved being a rational emotionless serial killer. It can't be argued with. As I said just above, it also makes the grandness of creation stand out. When you are empty inside, you see the material world and its mystery in all its greatness, and yourself as the center of that greatness. That is what Famida is saying there in the vid with the Marilyn Monroe statue, which could represent an original Pleiadan whom the vampires emerge from. (Although Marilyn may have been a pleiadan in race, her soul was a xenomorph.)
It you can personally see yourself, despite being "a dumb bitch", you are a representation of the original mother, this part is not taken from you. You do not at this point need to do or achieve anything but to sustain yourself, through eating, and the world is your buffet.