Sunflower 07/12/2024 (Fri) 15:49 Id: bba277 No.8256 del
Yesterday when denying the effect of a particularly nasty attack, the negative energy they sent formed into a white nail complete with a head, and it pierced them and paralyzed them so the environment clear up completely. Early morning a new group came at me, so I did the same thing against them, paired with calling in my federation unit to take those who were of a less spiritual nature. Eventually I subdued all of them, and suddenly the different reversed "nails" all merged and transformed into an artifact in my possession.

It's a short white pointed pole, like the "vampire stake" in fiction, unclear material. This seems like the core of the "white spike" energy formation. I was wondering what its actual solid form is, because I was unable to see it clearly and didn't feel I had it completely done.

This may be it. That would mean all seen spike formations are various manifestations of using this core artifact.