Sunflower 09/25/2024 (Wed) 13:27 Id: dda425 No.9146 del
I just finished a large public ritual at the city of magic square, for the purpose of "incorporating faithfulness", general wordings and formulas in ancient which served to absorb the energy of the white ring under the EU, as it would be within the field of my influence during the ritual. I used my demon girl form for this directly over there. The effect was very strong and many spectators/passive participants.

They have this system where you can file a request to perform rituals in the city square with the support of the academy, and they'll give you materials and assistance if it's something that benefits the school and the city.

The effect was powerful and it definitely worked to a large degree. Afterwards, as I went back to 3D and got up to move about a bit, I went outside and started shaking. I went along with it and ended up jump-spinning around in a circle while the energy passed through my body. After came a direct intense pain all over the body, something which can happen if very negative energy is "denied" expression. It passed in about a minute and the thing is now under my control.

Feel free to look at your local energy field and if you can spot the circular antenna, I think I managed to almost completely deplete it.