Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:33 Id: dda425 No.9301 del
But, with clearsightedness, the amygdala is not blocked, and the female will instead develop an instrumental form of empathy, the ability to read people. This manifests well in those old ladies to do fortune telling. It is not that they feel for the person, but they have the ability to rationally see their lives and understand them.
This is the part males have a great issue with. They will, all their lives, feel empathy, not through rational observation, but through the lens of lust masked as care for others. A blind kind of altruism, too willing to forgive, blind to the instrumentality of the female view. This makes for very difficult communication between the sexes. Men are often rational in all other areas, but when it comes to their genitals, they lose all control. This transmits to the empathic part of the brain in isolation, like two islands of madness where rationality suddenly does not exist. They overreact, they get involved, they get manipulated by women, who in this single area have an advantage and will see them as children whom they can freely abuse.