Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 16:29 Id: dda425 No.9173 del
Also had a dream interaction with some of the "black reptilians" from the Illuminati in space, they aren't actually reptilians from what the Queen (Illivryn) said, but they kinda look like they have scales. Maybe they are snake hybrids something. They tried to lure me into some dream setting by presenting a storyline, but I realized what was happening in the dream, although I wasn't lucid as such (I knew it was scripted, but not that I was dreaming). So I reversed the time progression to the beginning because there was this woman with big tits there, and by some dream logic I figured "since this isn't real it doesn't matter what I do", so I went back there. The dream plot was about to restart with her appearing as some kind of instructor figure, but I broke the script by instantly grabbing her tits and massaging them. She looked surprised, slightly shocked. I said "I just wanted to try this" and she then seemed to react with relief, as if the shock wasn't that I grabbed her tits, but that I broke the script.