Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 10:53 Id: cfe2a0 No.8315 del
Angel channelling (mostly)

Vampirism is on the same scale as angel magic, it is simply at the desire-bound or earth-bound end of the line, while angels are on the ethereal end. Anyone can practice angel or vampire magic, but this does not make them angels or vampires. To be a genuine angel or vampire in the flesh, one must be of the "pleiadan" racial cluster. That means in terms of the Earth races of the past, one must be of the race created by a silver queen (white earth mother). The gold queens who created the black races are evolved orcs, they are completely different and cannot be vampires or angels even if they can practice the magic. This means also that they will not be immortal in the flesh by practicing vampire or angel magic, it's impossible. They will be immortal by either becoming a black queen, or for men they will only become immortal after astral rebirth, because there are no black immortal men, they will have to evolve sideways to demon lord, which is the white version of the orc race when evolved. Demons are the female version of the orc lord. Demons created in the flesh by a white demon also cannot become physical vampires or angels, although they can practice vampire or angel magic.

This created a situation on the Earth as follows: Vampires were created from the silver race, and they became immortal after successful application of the vampire magic. Angels tend to not stay in the flesh so they moved on to the astral instead. Successful blacks also move on to either astral transformation for men, or they leave the planet to become wandering immortals for females. So the immortals on the planet who remain, are vampires. This is just how it is, with some few exceptions of esoteric practitioners in isolation. Some of these rare cases are the templars who hide away in caves for 1000s of years while in trance. They are of the white fungus race, which makes up most of the population in the west (did before the cleanse, they are now NPCs). Fungus races mix easily with anyone, and they absorb DNA from anyone. As a result of this, some would gain demon DNA, some would gain pleiadan DNA, some would receive white or black orc DNA. When a white fungus absorbs DNA from a different race, they change dramatically, as seen when mixed with blacks. When mixed with pleiadans they also change, but the skin colour does not change.