Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 20:23 Id: 94ba0a No.8826 del
Let's see if I can share this or if I get blocked by vampire secrecy.

It seems the difference there in the middle is superficially very slight. But it's notable. It has to do with quality of services. You'd think, "yeah rich people eat better food and drink expensive wine, have better cars and larger houses", and so on. But that's not it.

It's about the network, and the things that cost are all services. For example: Regular people have to study, do tests, and apply for uni courses, going through a long and annoying process to just gain access. Then the education may not be very good even, and they still have to pay comparatively much for it.

Vampires pay $4k for 1 hour with a tutor and learn more direct practical and applicable skills than someone may in years of regular education.

It's the same for anything. There is a circle of professionals on stand-by 24/7 to get on location the moment someone needs something, and it's simple, exact and useful at once. It costs huge sums, but that is the reason then can be there by a phone call.

None of the things offered are special in a sense that someone outside the circle would realize. You need the context and mentality to be able to make use of the service. A regular person would not gain anything from that expensive 1 hour.