Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:44 Id: 94ba0a No.8825 del
I had that feelin with the originals, that they were impossibly stuck in some way. The reason as I understand it now is that they took part in the solar creations of the past, where some karma was inserted into artificial celestial objects, the reason people had to work with the planets and use horoscopes. But this was only relevant in the west, where the "wheel of samsara" had been stopped by infiltrating aliens, and perhaps the vampires were part of this force in some way. Their lives were "on halt" since way back in Babylon for some. China as their own horoscopes, because they have an actual functional wheel there. I saw this after tracing what anon saw on drugs over on /fringe/ before. The "stork" which is an entity sorting souls to be born in Asia or the west, where China has a large "wheel" made up from the population, while the west just has a long line. It seems to be directly linked to the hidden dimensions in the Mariana trench.

All this is old now though, so we'll see what will happen, there should be a wheel created in the west also now.