Sunflower 09/26/2024 (Thu) 22:09 Id: dda425 No.9155 del
Oh what the hell..

Background not working.
Endchan goes down for several hours. Blogpost on 8moe instead.
Endchan is back up, did some stuff I don't feel like writing down.

Re-watching Vampire Diaries again, at EP 15 season 1. Since the show ended and things went the way they did, I already know the only two people with souls who "made it" from the cast were those playing Bonnie the witch, and Damon the vampire. Now that I know more about which races exist, I could quickly identify the actress playing Bonnie as "black fungus", which means actual witch race, so really nothing strange there. In Season 6 or so, both of them, Bonnie and Damon are sent into a magical prison dimension and they end up bonding in there, overcoming previous conflicts. This goes on for a few episodes with them doing "groundhog day" in there and fighting the original prisoner of the place.

Interesting coincidence that those two were the ones who made it. Bonnie is staying with Alissa still, it was a strange thing finding her there, but it seems like the safest place for someone to be. Alissa appears like a huge and very aggressive rooftop gargoyle constantly roaring with rage over her head, and this keeps any hostiles away.

I never paid attention to this before, because I watched the show, and S1 is just the best of them, even if new concepts are introduced later and it was all good during a first watch, only season 1 has real quality, it loses sharpness after this as the story progresses. I thought back on the first airing that season 3-4 were the best because the characters started becoming interesting at that point, but the story sort of comes to a halt to bring that about.

Anyway, what I did notice now, and this is what made me write this post, is that between ep 14 and 15 of Season 1, the entire cast has been replaced with reptilian shapeshifters, except Bonnie and Damon.

Why are they doing this? They did this with Angel also. This is around the same time the story starts turning nastier. Did they replace the writers also?

What's up with this?

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