Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 15:15 Id: dda425 No.9348 del
Some people may like the feel of the older example of Stockholm above, but look at the energy and it's just a dead end of evil, concentrated into a mass where it can't escape. It would need an outlet because what's there is just the pit at the bottom of hell manifested. It's sewage concentrated into something even worse than dung, because dung would be fertilizer, this is just toxic waste. I haven't looked in specific, but going by what I've seen on other photos, the reason Europe was bombed so much during the wars was probably to burn up those energy concentrations. They're the result of centuries of rotten monarchy.

The new architecture is to install a sewage system, which leads the energy away. No one would like to live next to an open sewer, but would you rather live next to an open manure silo that isn't being used, but just filled more and more?

Highways are the second next to the worst, but it's better than the worst because it doesn't lead to uncontrollable destruction.