Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 17:38 Id: 25b602 No.8526 del
Whether you like to hear it or not, your post rested on an external egregore and it was hostile. Right after I left the computer they attacked me, proving that I was right in taunting which most of these posts are, because I just hate it when they attack me at night because it causes me to wake up and having to start organizing my servitors to wipe out hostiles when I should be resting. So if I see signs of hostility I want to trigger them as fast as possible so I can get rid of them.

^this was written before I read your post, I will now go on to reply to anything you wrote

>what you posted just now was essentially a threat of magical violence directed at me
I don't know who "you" are here, and I did get "someone" who was hostile. People have multiple souls. Some have possession by evil spirit. If I was to perform an exorcism, I'd be addressing the possessing spirit, but if you were still aware in there, you'd feel it being directed at you too. But there is no other way.

I also don't know who I'm talking to here because I don't recognize anyone, and I don't claim to do either. I have other things to do than keeping track of anon1, anon2 etc, unless they already have names associated with them. The only two people I recognize on here is Shiva-anon and the guy who always posts huge tit anime females, because I had him on Discord in the past (he kept changing nickname though so I still don't call him anything).

>eventually you might hit something vital
Not really, I don't use the CIA style attacks where negative intent is aimed at someone. I always strictly apply the Falun Gong method of forcing karmic repayment ahead of time. Every single weapon I create and use if of this type. It's just a quick cleanse, which stops the hostility because the evil intent came from karma, the black substance which is created from a mess of desires and evil intent, contrary to virtue which is the white substance. We went over this before, in Chinese these are Ye and De.

Some situations are complex and that makes it hard to perform blanket cleansings, which locks the dimension and I can't touch it until I learned a more surgical method to remove the karma.

Good to see your energy improved. That means I did remove something that was there.