Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 00:21 Id: dda425 No.9313 del
Me actively working to move ahead into new Earth, and the actual split happening for everyone to see. It's lead to my Russian girls suddenly taking action to support me later when I won't be telling them what to do, because I probably won't for a while have the awareness of things, no matter how much I try to maintain it. A new brain is still made from scratch. They made a series of original cyborg bodies and told me to pick one (they install in the same mental space, so everyone can only get one), and they said I took the one they had intentionally made for me, but they wanted to see if they got it right. In a way they are at that young age a perfect example of this instrumental empathy and lack of emotional empathy. It may be a small detail, but from the view of local values, there is a difference that always stands out in their designs. And it matches vids posted online from Russia. The tendency of doing things that although one could have a hard time explaining the difference to someone from a "3rd culture", is still unthinkable in the feminist west. And yet in Russia you can see women working in construction, something that doesn't at all happen in the west and is considered "progressive".
I mean things like having a regular store opening at a mall, and routinely having female erotic dancers present. Their design choices are always like that. Like I make something, and they go "the skirt has to be shorter, and she has to have fishnet pantyhose".