Sunflower 09/12/2024 (Thu) 10:20 Id: dda425 No.8972 del
Looking at the ancient vampires, I saw their third eye blocked in the manner of the "shit-brains" of molochians. How can this be? It appears that the physical 3rd eye in humans is an inborn, regular ability of humans which should activate at age 4. It gives the ability of x-ray vision and remote viewing of the physical world. Nothing more than that.

Seeing other planes, seeing Qi or anything else, relies on the 3rd eye of other planes, or on your spirit vision. This does not require your physical 3rd eye to be opened. So vampires who are "persistent poltergeists" didn't care or pay attention to, the physical 3rd eye very much. During Atlantis, it was used to send messages via the towers. It was an ability of sight, treated as normal, so no one would image it could disappear, but it did, because of massive mis-use. So since then this ability does not develop in humans. It' on the level of failing the potty-training and thinking this is fine.

Somehow, reptilians fell into a similar trap, and now they find themselves living like slaves in tunnels. Did you know they actually bred an entire population of soulless reptilians, just like in the Matrix movie, connected to a network where their inborn abilities were used as components of a machine? Don't think this path of submission will lead to your survival, it will lead to your destruction, where you are mere flesh-bots serving as nothing more than transistors of a large radio station. You need to fight back, and you need to so so now, otherwise you will go down with your oppressors as I destroy them.

Is this what you want?