Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 04:04 Id: dda425 No.9342 del
I used to have this view that older architecture looked better and it was bad so much of it was taken down. But I've watched a lot of documentaries about these old cities in the later years, and looked at photos, taken part in the tartaria threads on /x/ and so on. Over time I realized, when thinking back at my actual experiences of these places in modern days, with modern buildings, and then comparing with old photos, when it's actual places I know. These areas, blocks in local cities that I found ugly in modern era, with the Internet now I can find location photos from the 1800s and early 1900s, and it turns out they were horrible. Dirty smelly rotting wooden cabins stacked against each other. When I started seeing this and the horrible energy of the places, I started sensing that; maybe my past me (you know who) had part in creating the new cities from the astral. I am a master of cities after all. Looking at the modern city structure and the general layout, even if concrete looks bad, the energy isn't bad. It has long straight lines and the dirt that used to be there before is lead away. It got better when modern ugly concrete was raised there.

Then there was that scene in "Who framed Roger Rabbit" when the unknown evil toon masked as a city official tells of his crazy idea to level toontown and instead build a high way with gas stations and shops everywhere. I realized that's literally me in the past life sense.

In reality I'd hate toon town, I'd probably do that. I dislike modern travel and the traffic sound level. But it connected the world in ways only an insane person could have imaged 200 years ago. Without this, we'd have none of this, no Internet either.