Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 15:55 Id: c9a6e2 No.9168 del
That is pretty insane given how big mine is. Im not as able to see it in others but I can feel it in myself, it even used to be bigger.Its still rather big though so its interesting someone else has this much of a heavy feel to them.

Yeah even before becoming aware of the spirtual i was very strong in a weight type of way, people couldn't move me and my punches affected things more. I used to be a sort of "shadow master" in the astral. Ofcourse now that i look back that was maybe karma energy. both dissapear when in the sun and behave in a similar fashion. I actually dual specced and was also a light master. Light being the energy that a perfect sun creates. I used this dual nature to fight the one person i met who had a mastery of shadows like mine or maybe surpassing it. They turned out to be made up of only shadow though.In fact so did most shadows who were under me.Once you put them in a stronger sun like the brown sun in this case they were gone. with me it simply burned my shadowy exterior but i was still there.I only realized recently that shadow energy is probably what people call karma.