Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 12:57 Id: 8497ab No.9164 del
Well interestingly i kinda had my interest wane after posting that and came to peace with never reincarnating as if i suddenly realized i was fine already. I felt like i saw them as friends in a way and it was best for me to be independent after all. but i guess maybe some part still wanted it if i did reincarnate. Or maybe its cause it was decided by them that i would reincarnate that my interest dissapeared once i already had it in a sense.its hard to write how the specific part i was interested in was the family aspect while simultanously realizing its simply my nature to not be able to "want" one. As if what i really envy is the ability to even want it while also accepting im really just independent by design.its weird how in a vampire reincarnation that would be my interest. Yes the innate vampire abilities as well.but my interests seem unlikely to be shared by anyone thats not a mage or spirit meaning that a family would almost have to be a vampire one or similar. That being said i did get a feeling of nice people hugging me yesterday. I guess my mentality is that if it ever would have been possible for me to incarnate like that a vampire family would probably be the best choice.