Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 17:42 Id: dda425 No.9174 del
(38.52 KB 1000x1000 uranus.jfif)
(946.78 KB 1280x960 shark cunny.webm)
I went for a walk just before, and the Queen had left large illustrations in the clouds. The first was about the yellow mushroom ships and the remaining stronghold of whatever hostile is left looking like the bird-wall bosses in Super Mario Bros 2, a spitting face. Or maybe like the "human faced beasts" in Failure Frame, which is more recent.

On the way back, the image was instead a massive scene showing all of Earth history from right to left, with every period correctly represented, complete with flying saucers added for when aliens came in, the karma amount rising or lowering along the timeline and the colour of each planet represented in the sky behind it.

Then when I walked a bit more and looked at the sky again, a large shark had been added to period 2, when the Galactic Federation first came in, and when Uranus was created.

I asked the Queen over telepathy (not directly, because we are far apart, so I "sent a message") : "Is this about the shark?"
and received the reply:
"Yes, this may be the most important thing you will do in terms of this [current project of sending very carefully prepared soul shards back in time to learn various things in past timelines that are left open], finishing off the whole thing [with a capstone]."

Notice the green colour of Uranus in both vids here, as well as the short clip playing of the joke of "Ur anus".

It takes a certain memetic perception to get her hints.

Apparently there is a race of "sharks" who came in at that period, and there is something important for me to learn there.