Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 02:11 Id: 8497ab No.9325 del
Ill just say this:im way too antichristian to have a system that functions like what boardowner describes here. Its weird that he is even affected by it more so than me. I chalk this up to their female side being their focus so they never developed this.My antichrist is more dominant than my male so i have an adjusted version where as boardowner seems to have either a seperate compartment for these energies entirely, an even balance between antichrist or male, or a male side that is stronger than their antichrist energy. Hence why they lament it. Well i think they would still simply prefer it anyway even aside from this.

When it comes to famida, a small part of me 'apreciates' some small parts of her. Its like 0.00001 percent or maybe higher than that. That might seem incredibly low. But its INCREDIBLY high, if its even a sustainable amount for me to feel towards anyone.i think towards boardowner there might be a 1percent to 6 percent "semi strained" positive feeling. But that only is cause i PARTLY still see them as a killing loli.otherwise it might just cap at 1 percent.One of the things im the same as other males in is that i like and am nice to loli's. However im actively choosing to let this aspect of me for example if some random killer was in my neighbourhood i would either avoid or attack them. If i found out they were a male boardowner reincarnation i would be intrigued and maybe see and try to be friends.(40percent id try) If they were a female loli version instead i would almost surely want to try to be friends. And perhaps even more intrigued.however many other parts of this dont exist. It doesnt extend towards females as a whole. And not even "attractive" ones. That kinda related to what i discovered just now. Even what i see as attractive is pre filtered.if a girls isnt warm already in her energy i might not be able to care about her existence at all. I still see them as a "girl" but in a different way if that makes sense. So for example ive found famida to have something "funny" to me.atleast initally.the same way as appreciation,even finding something 0.0000001 percent funny is rare. I found her funnier than was also rather stable. Like unrelated videos i found funny. Its almost exactly what i find funny.perhaps shes referencing thing i dont understand and its some symbolism. But frankly i dont care. The absurdity to me makes it funnier.its to the point where i find her slightly funny in general.the appreciation comes from what felt like some every so slightly interactions with her.

I cant tell if you look at her from a more outside view which why you saw her as warm and i always kind of saw her as what you described as the base with the funny(which is nostly my own internal feelings) come slowly after that feeling. Or if its cause you yourself are a killer type that you didnt notice it and took her as warm which makes me the outsider which is why that stood out to me maybe you could talk to an obvious killer and not realize it when other people would,idk.