Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 13:35 Id: dda425 No.9345 del
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>Maybe the stone buildings left standing are better
That's what I meant to say. Everyone brings up pic related from Germany and Poland, saying "look how nice these buildings are", but the reason they remain in the first place is that they were built from bricks and stone. They didn't rot. They're also small scale houses with a functionality that remains.

Poland in specific has many of these that were left in place during communist times, simply because they were good enough. They had no reason to demolish them.

The other example is the transformation of Stockholm around Sergel Square. Everyone's here bashing the demolition wave in the 1960s, but they forget it's now an international commercial center and a hub for visitors from all over the world. What was there before weren't any nice small scale houses, it was just ill fitted mass produced large scale buildings that didn't serve any purpose.