Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 02:45 Id: 8497ab No.9329 del
All of this applies to me too.partly vecause im very fallen myself.perhaps even to a vampire still. The fact i kinda see you as a girl sometimes,the fact that you have helped me in the past and this aspect of you all put together is the the only way we can even talk. Snail lacked the last part which why he turned agressive against me. Well he likely also lacked the first but thats beside the point.

Seems its very hard for you to comprehend me though, far more than when i talk to an ordinary person. This has been a thing since years ago as well.I think you mostly got the message on this one though i have to be extra careful in how i talk and formulate my messages here. We somehow communicate extremely differently through text to the point its strange.ofcourse its partly cause i write u organized and with bad spellings/grammar but its more than that.According to snail 90 percent of when i talked to him was actually telepathy so naybe im always doing telepathy when talking to mundanes and with you its more text, but even that seems strange since often it feels what you respond too is a different thing than i wrote all together.