Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 01:19 Id: c9a6e2 No.9321 del
Bringing it back to vampirism. The ONLY way i could perhaps see myself as part of a vampire family. Is because if i reincarnated as them then they would already be my FAMILY.Its almost an easter egg in my mentality. If it wasnt for that i couldn't see it. And even then. its more of a guess. Id say 90 percent.

So i cannot see myself as part of their family at all. but could after the fact but only cause in that case they already were.hard to explain what im trying to get at here without sounding as its circular logic.Im trying to point out exactly that it is but also that it is the ONLY thing that makes it perhaps make sense to a future me IF i reincarnate there.This ties in to a much larger view about race which im pretty sure you might disagree with but its fundamentally how things seem to work as far as i can tell. anyways i work like this even subconsciously so its my way of acting.

I left out too much to make much sense of my rambling but condensed.

My mentality differs what you describe male mentality to be->you might be slightly limited in your view of males or i might be different from a standard male in that aspect(doesnt matter i think)->I see specific girls in a different way-> with famida its leaning to a positive view but rather the potential for one and also i guess it could go other ways (i never seem to see these).However this feels a bit weird as a family. the same "strange mentality" as saying your parents are your best friends. that specifically to me seems like holding two different streams against each other. its "weird" and fight against itself.