Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 02:47 Id: dda425 No.9331 del
And how do you maintain this racism if you are already mixed of several races of humans to begin with?

I wasn't aware of this of course, but I recently made a deep dive back in the akashic records and checked my early timeline, I reached Arhat equivalent at age 5 at Christian school for kids. I used to refer to that event because it was Easter that year, and I brought a doll with me, I had inherited two girl dolls with red dress from someone. One of them was fully dressed and the other lacked panties. I brought that one because there was less risk of losing something more when the panties were already missing. This lead to a word joke I didn't at the time understand, because I told the teacher about this, and she repeated it. The phrasing ended up sounding like the doll "had no faith" as the word for "no panties" literally reads the same as "no faith" in native language.
The whole thing is even better in a greater context, given what a faithless girl with no panties implies. But that was my backwards enlightenment to what Christianity is about. I was 8 when I naturally with no effort created my first demon sun and threw the main societal timeline off course, or back on course from our view, since it was the evil NWO before that. After that shock even, things didn't go their way ever since. War in Yoguslavia hit almost instantly and caused a huge mess.