Sunflower 09/24/2024 (Tue) 20:03 Id: 8497ab No.9130 del
I wasnt planning on describing this one since i didnt see it as there being much to it but since im aparently at the end i might as well do it.

It is my latest and possibly last vampire related dream.

So im walking around this strange place,its outside and theres buildings. Its dark outside and it kinda feels like a large island,its next to a shore at least. I see a building of people looking at me and i notice after a while most of them are fake. But im not sure the real people realize that.Theres this sense that i have this power or presence they are very wary of when they look at me carefully. I dance a bit and then leap from the ground to the top of this building they live in. I can sense the people are terrified somehow as if human level acts are about where things max out here even though its astral. I jump back out and walk around. I occasionally dance for some reason and for some reason i can shift body parts from 3d and 2d and do other strange things. I keep it sort of secretive though since people seemed freaked out by me leaping. Again i meet a group of people some of them being friends i made in the past (who are recurring in dreams like this) I notice my energy going a bit out of my body. I also notice something about me feels eldritch in nature. We go in this concrete little building that looks like a small ww2 bunker and suddenly a huge white flash appears in the distance in the sea like a beam from above making an explosion. Everyone freaks around and i can tell they thinks its aliens. Its kilometers away though. During this flash i have a vision where in the future im seen as the king of reality. The guy next to me asks me what i saw and i explain when suddenly a bunch of people in black robes are standing on the beach. I can tell they are related to the flash and its them not aliens. There was only like a few seconds between them being there and the flash,just enough time to get asked and give a few word explanation. People are kinda freaking out and i say "hmmm this is kinda tense even for me" the black cloak people lead us into the narrow tunnel of this bunker and its like a cafeteria type thing.i grab a plate and get in line. I look at the people serving food behind the counter and i recognize the one from the post above me(famida) but to my confusion the girl next to her looks the exact same but feels like a teenager. I then walk where the food is(i seemingly dont grab any) i look around at the black clothed people and tally them. 2 guys who never got close to me. The 2 girls looking like the tik tok vamp,one feeling like a younger sister even though she looks nearly identical to me. And then closer to where the humans are now sitting and eating is a smaller girl with straight but slightly wavy hair.she has a rounder face. They all have black hair and blue eyes and are wearing black clothes. Anyway with an empty plate i walk to my spot and bump into the famida girl and aplogize and she says i dont mind then somehow i bump into the smaller girl even though shes only like 10 feet farther so i bump twice in like a few seconds. I walk all the way to the back and meet my grandpa from my mothers side who is there with his friends. Its very surprising but whatever. The general feeling in this cafeteria is friendly id say. I then walk closer to where the vamps are and meet my dad. He is sitting with his friends but they arent really people I actually recognize. I try walking over the table and the dream ends.