Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 19:27 Id: dda425 No.9354 del
(45.72 KB 896x512 jester armed.webp)
This feels backwards in multiple ways, while the information is jumbled it may not be totally wrong. Maybe it's just information leaking in, or it's glowies making a mess. I mean here specifically whatever is left in Israel, they're out of their minds right now and I don't know who else is really left to cause problems. Third day in a row they attack UN forces, this time they used tanks to breach the perimeter of a UN base and Netanyahu told the UN to withdraw, despite them being there on a UN mandate which means 50 countries are behind that UN force.

They're really testing the thin ice here. Just before, a Hizbollah drone came through the iron dome, killed 10 Israelis and injured 40. Sounds like a "warning" from their allies not to push it, supposedly there was also no air alarm going off. Maybe they turned it off so show them what happens if their allies get tired of them.

The UN are another alien group who appear as "punk clowns" or jesters with colourful balloons. They're powerful and should not be messed with, just yesterday they appeared on tv in the form of UN representative giving stern speeches on the behaviour of Israel.