Sunflower 10/16/2024 (Wed) 21:26 Id: dda425 No.9381 del
Time in the future parallel seems to be moving again, but at intervals. Compared to "here" at least, which is the "lack-of-time" line of having dimensions contained at Gensokyo.

This morning I was shown this dream scene: I opened the fridge and the mini freezer box at the top was open, water was everywhere. I checked the temperature and it showed something like 14 Celsius. It's not broken is it? Then I thought, this is a dream, this fridge isn't broken for real.
I took a cloth and wiped off the water, and it was instantly dry. I looked inside and saw a frozen pizza. After taking it out, where was lots of water, and I saw two double packages of hot-dogs.

After I woke up, the witch asked me what I thought the dream meant?
I said, after thinking, that pizza means Italy, so the water and the two sausage packets must refer to the remaining land mass of Europe, which is Italy and Greece, and they look like two narrow sausages on the map. It was flooded, but has dried up?
She said, that's it.

But after thinking about this, I realized, that this also represents how the future manifests into the dream state, and that living in this "lack-of-time" line is like a dream, so things are the same as they should be, but very distorted. Europe is a broken fridge flooded with water, and only pizza and two sausages remain.