Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 16:02 Id: dda425 No.9169 del
In the past days, a bunch of "yellow hat" mushrooms have appeared. When I did these things with Brazil anon we'd use a certain modus, I now found myself doing things in the same way as if he had been present, I just seamlessly ask my waifus to take part and it works. In these latest events, various yellow hat mushroom girls took part with me.

The queens are almost never hostile, I say "almost" because I don't know if the poison mushrooms who broke the timeline syncing for me one month ago were legit queens or not. A few of the first yellow hats I saw were toxic and I found no use for them so I asked Russia if they wanted them. Those appearing recently are completely stand-alone. Not factory made by greys. After the yellow hats on Earth were able to procreate, they all left again. They don't have ships or equipment with them here, but they use telepathy to call on a ship to pick them up. For the lyrans to get here took several months, so these yellow hats must either be close by, or they have some kind of method of travel which can move across time and space faster than the lyrans when moving in physical dimensions.

At first when this Israel mess started and things were cleared up a bit, Netanyahu was replaced by a reptilian shapeshifter. This was after the local reptilians had been freed of the "gay templar" oppression in Israel. But now it seems these yellow hat mushrooms have taken over, they are in high concentration in both Israel and Libanon. So they seem to have shapeshifting ability and they are physical.

There were a number of groups of reptilians and yellow hats who maintained the EU circle and four others in USA, Brazil, West Africa and Japan. These seemed completely brainwashed and wouldn't stop even seeing as they would, that my current surface body is actually native reptilian also, this is part of why I can now see them, I used dimensional trickery to rebirth myself astrally and move back, using a female reptilian I captured when clearing tunnels earlier. I think these hostiles are some alien race who incarnated into native reptilian or yellow hat mushroom, they are literally just infighting on Earth now. It's different groups with reptilians and yellow hats on both sides of this conflict.