Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:40 Id: dda425 No.9304 del
>So is it less optimal to be a male vampire?
I was getting to that part.
I believe the recurring story in vampire fiction about the "vampire with a soul", such as "An interview with a vampire" and the "Angel" tv-series, is a representation of the male vampire. If you pay attention to vampire fiction's representation of women, they never show remorse, they are calculating, coldblooded serial killers.
In the Vampire Diaries, the main villain Claus, even in that role he is constantly emotional, he rages over things, kills people and regrets it, makes irrational decisions. On the other side, the original love interest of the main love triangle, Catherine, is the completely opposite. She's manipulative, emotionless, calculating, she doesn't even seem to take pleasure in sadism, but only in drinking blood for the sake of physical satisfaction.