Sunflower 10/16/2024 (Wed) 21:37 Id: dda425 No.9383 del
Meanwhile, the Famida timeline would make itself known at intersections only, and I have no way of knowing how much time actually passed in between each time. I think the point of entry is when there are no time gaps anymore. Afterall, getting into my current life took almost 5 months counting from birth. We're not there yet, if assuming time moves at the "same speed" although making jumps to play up important events for me to make decisions in them where it seems to move faster. If the timeframe was the same, it would take another month or so.

All I know is that when I make decisions, they come through. Everything in between must be running like an NPC with no effort in some subconscious part, really speaks for how little awareness is needed to function in society if the environment is decent.

Did some things that shouldn't be mentioned on here, but others that can be, among them a ritual activation. These witches really know how to arrange things, and no one is objecting to requests that really wouldn't go through in other settings. Same for other "arrangements".
It's more of an attitude difference, or maybe there isn't, Idk. Maybe this is how I come through at any time, I just don't feel like that currently. But it's true that I don't care about other's views, when I need something I will have it.
I just realized the "sprint" I did in esoteric terms back in 2018 - 19 to finish off the Illuminati, the breakthrough was made at a time I was aware of, but didn't at the time feel was so significant in early summer of '19. But after that point there was no way for them to oppose me and win, no matter what resources they threw at me, it would be worn down, and every one thing would serve to expose their methods to me and function like a harsh training program for me in how to subdue them.

The viraltard aliens who caused most of the resistance, after getting them registered as "exploitable" with the federation, I went on to map them more.