Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 03:41 Id: dda425 No.9336 del
Ok, I think I definitely know why telepathy isn't working. What you describe in this post here about racism and your view of it, not aimed at you directly, but this is something I at a deep level feel a strong instinctive negative reaction towards. When I hear someone express things like
>he people i grew up around are "white" and i like them
>I find even the "ugly" buildings of the past beutiful
> I do not believe in regular people(without rrligion) not being racist. If they are then to me that implies below insect level thinking.
This is part of some kind of meme-thought complex which is so disgusting and detestable to me, that I instantly want to kill the person who expressed these views. It's at a direct "autonomous nervous system" level, like a response coming automatically and even trying to look at the structure to write this post, my hands are literally shaking because there's a rage reaction building up inside me. I know I identified you as "brown hat" and they aren't like this, so this is some other DNA fragment if this is coming from within you and isn't something you picked up from the environment. But I think it isn't part of you, but really is a learned cultural meme.

Holding and expressing this kind of view makes me instantly feel that the person is below stupid, human trash who needs the nazi extermination camp treatment. That level of hate is my reaction when I hear about this kind of "pro white" talk. It's to me an expression of the least enlightened and most conceited narrowminded thinking someone could have. Line them up before a machine gun and kill them.