Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 20:07 Id: b96173 No.8802 del
The Anti-Christ is per definition a pacifist. He will never sacrifice himself for an organization, a nation or a king. If ordered "over the top" from a trench, he will shoot his officer rather than expose himself to danger. If everyone had the mind of the Anti-Christ, war would be impossible. He does not cooperate with anyone for a greater goal, but will always see to himself first. When given funds for army recruitment, he would instantly steal them away for himself.

Thus, the Anti-Christ is the enemy of organized society, of nations, of any sense of community whatsoever. He is the force that causes evil schemes to break down from lack of obedience, lack of morals. He is the thing feared by all imperialists and nation builders, and of organized religion.