Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:17 Id: b96173 No.8782 del
The question is what it means and what it matters by now. There was the common statement among the lower level vampires I believe to be legit, going by their energy reading, that they "don't know what vampires are". But if we can define it as Pleiadan lower level (base, instead of ether) and you refine that within the scope of known blood based magic, that should definitely count. Being another race by base and practicing the same thing makes one a practitioner of vampire magic, where the most known version is longevity by blood consumption. The astral library of vampire magic has so many different things in it that aren't directly related to that, so I don't think that single element should determine how you understand yourself. The most defining element should as I see it be that it's cultivation of blood and the red, hot energy, (yang), while in a very ritual context. Angels on the other end of the spectrum (or pillar) are completely ritualistic with zero chaos in their element. This makes them similar to elves and yokai, but they're clearly a defined racial category. The main aspect being that they can evolve into the silver type being, a Queen, a progenitor of races. Elves don't do that, drow don't do that, yokai don't do that, so maybe that's the difference, the angle of development within a certain scope of magic.