Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 10:53 Id: cfe2a0 No.8316 del
For someone to become an immortal vampire, they need a high % of pleiadan DNA. It's this simple. But how do you determine this? Modern science does not know what the DNA types look like. Examining the silver queens is a impossible as getting near any other queen. Their radiating shields will burn the researcher to charcoal in an instant if they go within a one meter radius of them. So this is research done blindly, using measurements and indirect methods. They try to gain vampire DNA to research it, but vampires are also immortals and very savage and powerful, they can also twist time itself to evade unwanted attention.

DNA can be changed by practices and behaviours. So the elites in their quest for real vampirism - which is their goal, to become immortals in the flesh and engage in their desires - started ritual practices which imitate what they believe to be vampire practices, in an attempt at changing their DNA to become like the vampire end of pleiadans. They also started research on fungus queens, who lack the radiating shields, and are easier to replicate. However, any vampire DNA they would receive is from the "failvamps" who die after 800 years when facing the karmic death threshold, a known and much studied phenomena in witch circles.

They do know that any mixing with blacks renders that genetic line worthless if you are aiming for vampirism though, which is why the white supremacist movement and racism against blacks was created.

The rest is history, as they say. The western elites have since been obsessed with trying to replicate vampire behaviour while also refining pleiadan DNA which is mixed up with white fungus, trying to create a high enough concentration of pleiadan, that a ritual process is enough to bring them over to fullvamp.

That is all there is to it