Sunflower 10/06/2024 (Sun) 16:46 Id: dda425 No.9242 del
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I tried the dreamflight
aimed at Famida, at first I thought it was a failure as I didn't remember anything when waking up in the morning. But later during the day an image appeared. I think it did work, but indeed compared to here, time is standing still up there in the new Earth. It was a scene with a room and someone with pleiadan DNA sitting in a room, and it showed what may be the beginning of the 3D physical version of the "white spike". I think I understand now why this takes 5000 years in the physical, that thing is not at all as easy to change as the astral version, and the energy is very harsh.

It seems from what I saw previously this year, that the original vampires were mostly inheriting vampirism from Cain but in reality practicing wolf/lycanthrope/werewolf magic, which we know as Atlantean magic.

Anyway, I thought I can at least interact with her subconscious then, so I pulled part of her backwards into my own timeline. She's not going to recall this directly I think, but for now this feels like talking to her normally. I also saw for the first time her "vampire side", the real brutality which the Queen warned me not to anger. You don't want to trigger this in full reality, I didn't look beyond the energy, but it looks very "rippery" with black movement patterns as the not-complete-or-nice endpoint of it.

I asked her to look at my mind and tell me what stands out, things that won't fit in as a physical vampire. She pointed at a "brown cloud" of energy in my main yang side, back left of the brain. Asking Astra to find a way to get through here correctly, she showed a line past this area in which's middle was something that looked like a clam. I asked Famida what this meant?

She looked at the image and said it's a masonic practice, the original source of the term "cream pie". It works as follows: a woman is placed on the corner of a pool table, on the edge. You don't want her on the playing field. Her back is along the long side of the table and her thighs are then angled along the short side, so her butt is in the corner. When looking from the outside, she's on her side, and her vulva looks like a clam. Then several men will ejaculate in her, until the sperm starts coming out. This is called a "cream pie", because it looks like a pie with two layers and filling, like a sandwich. Then the initiate is to lick the sperm out of her. It's used as a middle step to get straight men into sucking cock, by first having them get used to eating sperm from a vagina. And that is the real meaning of "cream pie".