Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 17:46 Id: 25b602 No.8527 del
>What if a neophyte
Also this. They aren't supposed to be on this board, but on /fringe/. Sunflower started as a dangerous and seclusive project for high risk magic which shouldn't be performed by beginners or those who are stuck in various prejudices on the nature of reality.

It was also the intent, outspoken, to sync with the NWO egregore and hijack it by assuming their way of speaking and acting, which actually means imitating their huge egos and supremacy thinking, but doing it as an act, not doing it by actually being them. Then when we "are them" seen by spiritual forces, we'd argue that we are the real rulers, and they'd follow us instead.

This was gradually achieved already when this was hidden away on Discord, and the public expression here as a board was only created when the egregore was stable enough to withstand attacks and retardation. The temple will last, there is no doubt about that.

What this stuff is about here isn't even on the temple mountain hillside, it's somewhere in the caves below it. That's what's making the opposing forces upset. With their 1000 year plan, we can still override them because we do it better than them.

In this is included that we can't really care that much about those not involved here, as that would cause a de-syncing to take place. Following benevolence by procedure can still be done, that makes us better than them.

That is why I have to warn them in public. Otherwise the spiritual forces would just look at me/us here and then at the degen elites, and see no difference, so they may support them instead.