Sunflower 09/11/2024 (Wed) 23:35 Id: dda425 No.8969 del
Oh what the hell.

This is also "ancient history" now so it doesn't matter in any significant way, but I just got to season 3 of angel and noticed that Cordelia is being played by a reptilian...? Why didn't I see this before?

Oh ri-ight. Because they replaced the original actress with a reptilian shapeshifter. Then I noticed Angel and that green demon host at the bar. What is going on with this? Why are they "getting rid of" actors from tv series? This means they killed them, most likely.

Is there some greater plan behind this, or is that boring rumour true that the degenerated elite will demand to have famous people as prostitutes, or for other things, maybe killing them for fun? Is this why they replaced them?

I think you probably remember the rumours on 4chan about Miley Cyrus being replaced, and someone also performed that "get out of jail free" performance of posting on 4chan telling everyone where to find her body, as a way to somehow nullify the karma, like they do. Pretty sure Britney Spears was also replaced, was never a fan of her but her story in retrospective is just too strange. Did some pervert kill her also for fun?

I wasn't paying attention to this stuff before, until I noticed some porn star that's been posted repeatedly was a reptilian, then I saw an older clip and she wasn't a reptilian. Which means a reptilian was acting as her, and they only do that if the original is dead. Which means someone bothered enough with this to organize a reptilian stand-in just to kill some porn star.