Sunflower 09/28/2024 (Sat) 10:01 Id: dda425 No.9162 del
Killing Nasrallah, if they really did that - very bad move.

But this kind of thing was in a sense predetermined to happen, it's a postponed event. They had originally wanted to wipe out any unifying force in the middle east, thinking they would then destroy Islam that way. This is the same senile thinking ruling the British military strategy which is projected into Ukraine via NATO. They think they are still a colonial force and can use "order and discipline" to win vs an enemy who fights on the same field. By this logic, if you kill the leader, the organization crumbles. Islam is not leader-based, it's anarchistic by nature, and they fail to realize this.

It's been said that Hitler knew warfare better than his generals, who still thought you win a war by capturing your enemy's capital city. Hitler wanted to instead capture the industrial areas first, but couldn't get his generals to follow this strategy. It's the same thing again here, in principle, except there is no Hitler to even speak his mind today. It's just senile generals planning things.

If they had really killed Bashar Al'Assad back then using the Islamic State, this would event would have taken place over 10 years ago. I saw this, and wondered what the fuck they are trying to do? Because if Syria had been destroyed with its leadership removed, you'd have no force creating any order at all, and Islamic terrorism would flood the world, they would turn completely rabid and there would not be a way to defeat them. They think this is how to start WW3 and "cleanse the world", but they by far underestimate the ability of djinn to wreak havoc, and they overestimate their own ability to use "forced order" to overcome this chaos. It would have ignited the process which ends the world, and there would not have been any NWO survivors either.

With Assad safe, it seems, maybe, that the unifying role was moved, maybe to the leadership of Hizbollah, we'll see. But it looks bad, and karmic events like this which manifest from a set energy structure will find a way to appear again if mitigated before.