Sunflower 09/25/2024 (Wed) 08:27 Id: dda425 No.9143 del
(104.06 KB 1024x1024 gyan mudra.jpg)
(485.64 KB 762x1442 Uranus negative.png)
The issue here goes back to the introduction of the first solar object, Uranus. Its purpose is to create "concentration", same as the gyan mudra hand position. It comes with the same negative effect of being a tangent of "promiscuity". Some esotericists of the second period were able to internalize it correctly, but most of the planet followed the incorrect external object. This lead to a "focal lens effect" in everyone's minds, which makes them focus on evil. Back in those days such concepts were not known, so it was understood only as "focus" - creating mental clarity.

This remaining ring under the EU has this same effect, it has a strong mental focusing effect, making those living there think only of evil acts, with very strong determination. For those more into astrology, it's aligned with the negative aspect of Uranus.
>pic related
This is describing the EU pretty well. It can also be described as the traits of promiscuous and unfaithful people.