Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 01:32 Id: dda425 No.9323 del
>remote viewers
Which ones exactly?
>their docu on him
Not following, sorry.

Not sure what you mean here, it seems all 100% vampires have to be Pleiadan, which is called "silver race". So a vampire can develop into a silver queen, there is no difference to those who follow angels. Same as how elves are the same race as drow, and they will never fight each other despite one being very light natured and the other dealing directly with infernal sacrificial magic and being undead. Any internal fighting concerns non-pleiadans (non silver race) or mixed race members who practice vampire magic. They have a hard time becoming immortals and will not become silver race if they ascend either. They can learn it, but they can't use its full power unless they "get in" and become full Pleiadan. That's close to impossible, if not completely impossible today, because everyone is mixed, with the exception of those who became vampires at the time when pure silver race still existed and are now real immortals. But those are infertile under normal circumstances... but at least that's a solvable problem.