Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:59 Id: c9a6e2 No.9309 del
>"seeing a woman and there is a certain feeling of "warmth".

All that being said, I don't have this.Your new view seems to be how I see it as well. I think i have empathy and the clear view. I think this is why im into a very specific type of girl.My attraction seems to be more selective than others. I always used to be into "kind" girls, as in the actual warmth in their eneergy. Its very rare. If a girl doesn't have this and she isn't something else i simply don't finde her attractive or care for her. for example in your last life it might be "sanded off" if i met a killer version if she was still a little girl since that in itself has that effect. on top of that the idea of a killer girls is intriguing so i might be nicer. aside from kindness i can be nice to genuinely meek or shy girls.I think since im male my soul has ways of dealing with these weaknesses you perceive.