Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 11:06 Id: cfe2a0 No.8317 del
Not channelled comment: Because Africans and Russians/slavs are both evolved from orcs via demon lords, demon females or black queens, they have no real place in the quest for vampirism. Their path to immortality is by their own racial practices, so they are naturally not going to be very interested in contributing to this effort of the white westerners, or included in their version of the world system which seeks to use the Earth's resources for this single quest for vampirism. Asians are a strange mix of demon and pleiadan, which is why they are brought in, although hesitantly, by the western elites. They know that if asians "tip over" genetically towards the demon races, they will shift to not having any interest in vampirism or this effort, are are like to opposite it as well. Because it is after all a huge waste to use an entire civilization's resources just to create a handful of failed vampires, when you could just accept that whoever deserves a DNA type will simply be reborn in that line. You can't force it.