Sunflower 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:00 Id: 8497ab No.8781 del
Just to be clear,am i even a vamp? I I know im silver race which makes sense since i made the spell back then. But it might have been the other soul,it just means the physical body is compatible. What do i feel like nature wise. I might wanna try and go to the astral instead depending on what i am. Its hard to tell whats been in me because of past experiences or innate nature. I even had spells cast on me against my wishes intended to shape me towards a path my nature wouldnt naturally go.i feel like im kinda angelic and demonic.specifically like a vamp that is attracted/interested in the light side of things. As an example a blonde elf girl sitting in a green field of grass.the positive in a sense. Its also like im "empathic" in a way where i cant tell its just always who i am or because of spells/restraints or even the other souls that were in me growing up(i was a backseater,serving as the 'backbone'). As i cleared chakras i went to through intense hatred of vamps and not in a wave pattern.i was never invested in vamps before i took the spell either so im not one of those "slowly getting closer to the real magic types" where its obvious what their path is.