Sunflower 09/24/2024 (Tue) 20:47 Id: dda425 No.9132 del
I was intentionally vague about this before, but since you saw it, I can say something clearer: vampires aren't exactly "physical" and they can't normally have kids. This leads to a rather unusual situation if they somehow do have kids; namely that the children may become almost identical clones, and they also, somehow via the blood memory, inherit a complete mind. Their growth is also very fast compared to humans, depending on how well they sync with their environment. I saw the process from afar but didn't believe it until I saw the later Katanna postings. Those aren't actually her, they are multiple girls. Ok, there are filters and they are using them to some degree. But those are still at least 3 different people who all look the same.

Non-psychic vampires may not even know the difference at first glance either, because it's mostly obvious from their energy.