Sunflower 10/08/2024 (Tue) 17:16 Id: dda425 No.9273 del
My astral background or internal environment, whatever it should be called, the awareness of where I am which is there as my location mentally, changed a few times in the past day.
Last night, maybe a result of expelling all destruction karma, I suddenly got "the muscle ache from hell" lasting all night, while I was drifting in and out of some dream setting where I found myself at some witch's castle. Checking my temperature showed nothing, but it felt like fever. I was also dragged through what was supposed to be a hell journey after finishing a lifetime, where some guy who looked like a regular office worker looked through my life by reading some document. He said "he has committed no serious crimes, but we need to address this one", while making a note. Then I was sent to some stern teacher who showed me images of agriculture with large fields or grains, while lecturing me about the environmental damage they cause. He finished off by telling me: "You've been eating too much wheat, do you have any idea how much damage wheat fields do to the environment, you should eat other grains as well. Got it!?" His tone of voice was aggressive, almost spitting out the words.

Right now, I found myself first looking down on the new Earth from my pyramid which is outside of the sphere (Gensokyo would allow me to have one pyramid inside, if kept at high altitude, but I wanted a second one so I put it outside, which they have no opinion about). Then the perspective changed, and I found myself diving down towards the surface, after which I started flying to the west over large fields. There's a feeling of mild wind and rather dark and empty, some forests here and there and fields of grass and wilderness. Looking at my astral body as it's flying feels somewhat similar to previous experienced or memories of leaving the body, except I'm still here at the same time. Instead of the "Sekhmet" dressed in red, my form is dark haired and dressed in light blue and white, which feels similar to the pleiadan form I created previously when preparing through a process I won't elaborate now, which ended with getting in line with the "stork" to get into new Earth. Maybe the timelines weren't ready (because I had more things to do), and that's why there was a delay, and this form of myself was floating around in there aimlessly. I was kinda wondering why it didn't "work" yet.