Sunflower 09/24/2024 (Tue) 20:57 Id: dda425 No.9134 del
From what I picked up, she was mad about it at first, but having a group like this means increased social power in the end, and that is never bad. There's also a certain stability of the vampire mind, which makes them quite patient (until they flip), so the roof may be quite high. We are talking about people involved in things that by human standards are super villain style criminal organizations, stronger than any deep state. Those "towers" I posted about in the other thread; they wouldn't be able to build those in a way that disturbs a real vampire, they have to adapt. That also means if there are new real vampires, that the sphere these NWOtards can move in, decreases, as they have to move aside if a vampire wants something. And if they had already built stuff like a world wide system of particle colliders, and those "collided" with the new vampire members. Well too bad, they will have to demolish them, because they can't fight vampires. They think they can, some of them, because they've interacted with some non-immortal types of a few centuries old, but that's just a fantasy they are upholding. Those higher up in their organization knows there is nothing, zero, any human organization can do about vampire whose age count in millennia. If they try to build something up, humans still only have a few decades of being healthy and powerful before the degrade. If they went into a conflict situation and somehow managed to stay alive, they still die after a few decades and there won't be any new generation taking over, because those will be dead before they can. The vampire remains, and over time there is nothing which can be created to remain if they don't want it to remain.