Sunflower 10/12/2024 (Sat) 23:27 Id: dda425 No.9300 del
This experience made my mind very clear. I see things perfectly now, but maybe it comes from the activation of the backwards projected future incarnation, rather than any vampire magic in itself.

The most troublesome part about being male, is the empathy. The babylonian we interacted with in a previous sunflower temple session, explained that empathy is produced by the amygdala in the brain. If they are blocked, they appear like two white spheres on sticks, energetically. This can be seen especially clearly on feminist women of the middle aged category.

The body as it consists of 4 segments, all with the same components, has the same empathic function in each of them. It is less pronounced in some of them. Each of these will communicate with the brain, and amplify the effect of the amygdala. For men, the testicles have a huge effect. Because they remain active most of their lives, they will remain empathic by nature. The corresponding part on the female is the labia, and they are very small and do almost nothing, so there is no amplifying effect from the pelvic level. This is somewhat balanced by the egg stems which the male does not have, but for women these stop being active at age 30+ and they lose the amplifying effect. The breasts have a similar effect, but since the female breasts are only active after childbirth, the amplifying effect on empathy ceases as the child grows out of toddler stage. This makes women of age 40 and up completely free of any such bodily empathy amplification. Only what they have in the brain remains, and that comes from education and morals. Something feminism teach them not to develop. The effect of this is that the blocking white energy will start filling up their brains, then move down through the body, until it reaches the pelvic area, where the energy amasses in the skeleton. They then have an accident and break their hip. The energy form is the exact same as which was formed in the amygdala.
Men who manage to become very lacking in empathy by conscious choice, instead get testicular cancer when the karma reaches all the way down.