Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 18:05 Id: c9a6e2 No.9353 del
Anyway I feel like i got cleansed talking here lately.

Dream time.(yes i accidentally fell asleep in the evening) so i fell asleep with my hand under my neck, for some reason this leads to a guaranteed nightmare for me.

So im in this city in a way too small apartment, theres about 3 small one room apartments with each a tenant.

I'm living in one of them and i get evicted. However my stuff was still inside it when i left and they don't let me go back to gather my items. Another tenant faces the same thing and we get really angry. what they did was technically legal in a contract sort of way so there is little i can do at this time.

I go down to the lobby and theres a secret service feeling people with handguns. I go bonkers and start shooting everyone with headshots while moving quickly. Some girl with black hair is trying to kill my sister with a knife. I instantly kill her with a headshot. All hostiles cleared.

My sister however is angry that I traumatized her and acts like the victim even though i just saved her life, completely oblivious to whats going down and acting entitled. I immidiatly shove her in one of those semi open closet things that hang on the wall and tell her to be quiet. my feeling is of rage.

Anyway there seems to be this rule to include famida in my dreams since you posted so much about her so a guy stands next to me(can't see them) but again it "feels" like its supposed to be boardowner. I see a huge "video" of famida having sex with some unnamed dude. The person next to me says that he found out she is also a pornstar and seems very interested in this. I feel neutral watching and im wondering what boardowner is trying to communicate to me.Its already one thing that they know this fact but why show me?

afterwards some other guy seems to be looking at the tik tok videos she makes and tells me(this is very subtle and barely happening telepathically but its being talked to me in the background) "yeah i can see it, she is kinda cute in a way. i get what you are saying." even though i never said anything like that.