Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 03:11 Id: 8497ab No.9333 del
Right, i get that and thats agood question. To me it simply didnt matter. The people i grew up around are "white" and i like the way thats hiw everybody worked. Even arabs and muslims. Less so arabs sinnce its nit about dna for thing i will genuinely believe in is a non racist muslim. But thsts only cause then the religion acts as overatching pronciple. I do not believe in regular people(without rrligion) not being racist. If they are then to me that implies below insect level thinking. Its not an intellectual thing only. I genuinely care for the way they do things more than others.i feel it wjen i sit at a european place. I find even the "ugly" buildings of the past beutiful and theres a sense of apprecition for it. That doesnt mean i hate other people.i like groups of people to varying degrees seemingly liking people genetically the closest to me.this isnt something i forced or anything.i just naturally feel more at ease. Its always been kinda weird in one aspect though. On a personal level in some way i think like some black people which i know since they seem to have a lot more common sense to me.i have adhd so thst might be why. U gebuinely have poor impulse co trol which kends itself to a certain mentality whites oftend condemn. On an even deeper level i think even closer to my mom and dad however they themselves arent really alike to each other at all. Ive noticed that my dad for example had very different views although still extremely mundane and perhaps even more "degenarate" than average.(in your view)However that became my 'normal'.so outside of this weird european "gay" thinking which was never present in my immidiate circles(weirdly enough,not even in high school or anything. The kids i remember were all far stronger in mentality and far less gay and passive agressive than the overall european view. I see them but i never really experienced them around me somehow,weird.)

Now i actually do have a thing against fungus in a way, but thats kinda irrelevant since its aside from anything here. With me its a double deal on race. I would protect but pull them up to my standards. Now i wasnt that advanced and basically a hypersexual straight guy so that means smarter,fitter,less gay. Had i been .had i been more advanced it would be even stricter ofcourse.The occult aspects of dna only came known to me waaaay later and the fungus aspect even later than that. I was unsettled when i learned about the fungus mind you.(since i had already hated fungus by then) Until then i though what the world needed was simple eugenics.

Aslo with the whole race thing. In my view you could be emlightened to the point i dont understand which is why i dont bother thinking about if you are right or not.if you are way above me in that sense then ill see if i ever get there what you were saying. And from another view you were a demon in the physical anyway and thus not even really white so i would get it if you didnt feel the same way. However even that last part is kinda iffy since im not that ethereal in mindset to really understand the idea of somone looking like a human but not being one in terms of dna.If that makes me a retard then so be it. I can only be what i am.a human while being retarded might still have been ahead of 99.999 percent of people so it all depends. The elites have always seen like retards in ways i can actually comprehend rather fully and thats from my view which isnt even half as ethereal as what you your childhood to be.

A lot of what i do is basically what i always did but with "purity" added in it. Since it seems it is what is the correct thing.