Sunflower 08/28/2024 (Wed) 23:13 Id: 94ba0a No.8828 del
I also right now feel annoyed at it, but that is in itself an acceptance, because I know those are feelings leaking over, and it matches Famida's way of reacting to things also. A bitchy kind of attitude that can be overcome by somehow offering something amusing, the kind of thing I know exactly how to do. It even feels like being that kind of person must be pretty annoying in itself, because it may scare everyone away from you, setting the standard for being entertained really high, and making it impossible to actually find what you want. It's a socially self-destructive attitude, but only bordering to being a disaster, bordering, but not quite completely.

I also feel annoyed at the fact that despite all the "epic" achievements, they look like nothing in the end. Someone may write stories about it later, presenting it in a way to make it sound like some common and heroic series of events, as is customary. But anyone who was there knows that these events took place mostly on other planes than the physical, where the story will be set when later retold.

Still it's annoying.